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How To Flirt With A Trans Woman – 13 Important Tips

man flirting with trans woman

Do you fancy trans women? If so, you’re probably wondering how to approach them.

Well, there’s nothing too different about it. Flirting with transgender women is pretty similar to flirting with cis women.

The only exception is that you have to avoid certain topics, otherwise, things can quickly go south.

One sensitive question can completely ruin your chances for a hookup or a serious relationship. This is why we’ve compiled a list of 13 tips on how to flirt with a trans woman:


1. Approach Her Naturally

Most men believe that they have to pull up a special move up their sleeves to impress trans women. However, that’s hardly the case.

The key to flirting with trans women is to well, not try too hard. Act natural and think of it as flirting with cis women.

Trust us when we say that, trans women aren’t looking for special treatment. So don’t overthink about the situation.

Maintain your composure, and take it as any other day of hitting on women.


2. Make Her Feel Wanted

Flirting with women is all about making them feel wanted. The same applies to trans women.

Make her feel wanted. But don’t be pushy about it or make direct sexual advances.

Instead, lock eyes with them, listen to them, and flirt like you normally would.


3. Do Not Objectify Her

Trans women are often hypersexualized and treated as sex objects.

So don’t objectify her by making it all about her body and thinking that she’s waiting in line to have sex with you.

Ask yourself that would you ever flirt like this with a cis woman? No, right? Then why do you think it would work with a trans woman?


4. Treat Her with Respect

This comes in line with our previous point – trans women deserve respect just as much as any human.

You don’t really have to do much here. Just show basic courtesy like ask her for a drink, listen to her opinions, and talk in a light-hearted tone.


5. Don’t Give Weird Compliments

Some men don’t realize how downright awful their “compliments” are. They would say things like “you’re pretty hot for a trans” or similar like in this video…

And then wonder where they went wrong.

By saying such things, you’re not flirting with her, you’re actually degrading her.

Because this simply means that trans women aren’t supposed to be hot. The only thing this does is make you look like a douche.


6. Don’t Fetishize Her

The last thing you want to do while flirting with trans women is to fetishize them. This ticks them off the most.

And the biggest problem is that men often don’t realize they’re doing it.

So avoid saying things like “I always wanted to fuck a trans woman” or lines similar to this.

This implies that the only reason you’re flirting with her is that she’s trans. And that you have a sexual fantasy that you’re trying to fulfill.


7. Don’t Ask About Her Surgery

Do you know what can truly destroy your chances of hooking up with trans women? Asking personal questions.

No matter how friendly she is, questions such as “have you had your gender transformation surgery yet?” need to be avoided.

Even if you’re curious, there’s a chance that you’d find out soon enough once you get her in the bed.

But if you ask her this question, then it’s highly unlikely that she’d stick around for that long.


8. Treat Her As An Equal

Trans women face their fair share of struggles. They often have a hard time being accepted by people around them.

And then, they have to go through a lengthy surgical procedure.

However, all of that doesn’t mean that you host them a pity party. If you want to catch the attention of trans women, then treat them as equals.

Don’t feel “bad” about the way they are. Even if your intentions are good, you aren’t realizing that you’re only degrading them.

Talk to her like you would talk to any cis woman.


9. Don’t Ask Weird Questions

Don’t break the ice by turning trans women into a Google Search.

You might be trying to carry the conversation, but trust us, asking random things that you read online about trans people won’t help your cause.

Keep in mind that you’re here to flirt, not to attend an anatomy class. Ask her normal questions like what kind of music she listens to, what food she likes, etc.

There are plenty of ways to carry the conversation that doesn’t involve asking weird questions that you read online.


10. Do Your Homework

Want to know more about trans women? Then do your homework before approaching them.

That would indirectly help you in flirting with them because you wouldn’t be clueless about sensitive topics.

That might actually impress them as well as it would show that you’re genuinely interested in knowing more.


11. Appreciate and Encourage Her

Trans women often go through a long struggle, and their transition isn’t in any way easy. The whole gender transformation process can be mentally exhausting for her.

So encourage and appreciate her journey and see the beauty in it.

Displaying genuine appreciation alone would make her go head over heels for you.


12. Learn to Read the Signs

Know that flirting back can actually be difficult for some trans women out of anxiety, especially if they’ve recently had their surgery.

They’re still building courage and confidence. So you need to learn to read the signs she is secretly attracted to you.

If she giggles and walks away after you approach her, doesn’t mean she’s not interested. Perhaps, she might not know how to handle the situation.

This post on Reddit highlights such a situation.


13. Don’t Jump Towards Sex

Even if your primary intention is to hook up, refrain from being too obvious. Instead, make your way towards it by flirting.

Once again, think of this like any other situation where you’re flirting with a cis woman.

Would you go to her and be like “Hey, let’s have sex”. You could say it, but 99.9% of the time, it won’t work.

So before you take things in a sexual direction, engage her in a conversation and know more about her.


Flirting With A Transgender Woman Is Like Flirting With A Cis Woman

flirting with transgender woman

Flirt with a trans woman like you would flirt with a cis woman. The more you overthink, the harder will be to attract a transgender.

Just avoid sensitive topics and don’t ask weird questions like “how big is your penis?”.

If you are unsure about what to ask a trans woman, then we’ve also talked about the do’s and don’ts in detail.

Learn about the trans world will help you to avoid screwing up unintentionally.




  • We are born and bred Californians who love socializing, adventures, and sex. Being active in the ethical non-monogamy communities here locally and online, it's only natural for us to start this site to provide a 100% honest source of information about the sexual lifestyle in some of the world’s liberated adult destinations. We spend most of our free time traveling to hook up with singles, couples, and people of all genders around the world.

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