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How To Convince A Married Woman To Sleep With You: 14 Tested Methods

As surprising as it may sound, married women also crush over other men. They’re just better at concealing their feelings and not acting upon them.

But that doesn’t mean that her need to be validated and appreciated by the opposite sex isn’t there.

Due to her conscience, she keeps up a barrier. It doesn’t allow other men to get into her personal space.

man try to flirt with married woman

In fact, it isn’t that easy to tell if a married woman wants to sleep with you. Yet, if the signs are there, all you need to do is find a way to break that barrier and awaken her horny side.

How can you do that? This is exactly what we’ll be going over in this article. We have to offer some good advice to sleep with married women.

Remember that isn’t like tricking young girls to sleep with you, married women need a unique approach.

Let’s start with…


1. Make Her Realize She Could Do Much Better

After women get married, they keep themselves from thinking they could do better.

They think that they’re now tied down for life. And for any sort of sexual satisfaction, they can only go to one person: their husband.

So the first thing you need to work on is to change that mindset.

If she’s vulnerable and is currently having trouble in her married life, then that’s even better. You can exploit that vulnerability to make her realize she has better options, like you.

Instead of going all-in with it at once, slowly seduce her. Tease her as much as you can.

Once you think she is into you enough, only then, ask her for sex. Even if she’s reluctant at first, she’ll come around eventually.


2. Shower Her With Special Attention

married woman having dinner with a man

Men often do not give the same level of attention to a woman as they did prior to marrying her. This is another thing that you can take advantage of.

Always remember that a women’s need for special attention is never-ending.

If someone is showing more attention to her than her husband, she’s prone to develop interest. Even if she looks like she doesn’t care, in reality, she does.

When you’re showering her with compliments and being nice to her, trust us, you’ll be on her mind.

If she’s your colleague, offer her lunch. And if you’re meeting her at a party, tell her she looks gorgeous.

This will help you get closer to her, and make it much easier for you to get what you want.


3. Listen To Her – Full Attention

Since a woman wants to have a good marriage image, a huge number of married women don’t talk to others about their problems.

Instead, they bottle up their emotions and try to endure quietly.

Doing this will bring the two of you closer, as you can be the shoulder she needs to lean on. Furthermore, you can slowly get into her pants as you comfort her.

Even if she’s constantly nagging that how big of a douchebag her husband is, continue listening. Because that is the easiest way to impress a married woman.

If she’s ranting about her husband to you, then consider it a golden opportunity. You’d be surprised how easy it would be to get close to her during such a time.

And even if she’s talking about random things, listen to her with full attention. If nothing, it will at least develop an emotional connection between you two.

That connection would be more than enough for you to make her let down the guard.


4. Win Her Trust by Being Discreet

Let’s face it, sex is a part of human nature. No matter how satisfied you’re with your partner, time by time, you think of fucking someone else.

But the only reason we do not act on it is: what if our partner finds out?

You may love your partner, but not like how they’re in the bed. Perhaps too conservative or too aggressive.

The same applies to women. In fact, not every man can satisfy a woman in the bed. This is why women often try getting that sexual satisfaction from other places.

Once they know you will keep her dark secrets with you, she will open up more.

And after she starts trusting you, she might even become your play partner to make some naughty memories.


5. Engage in Healthy Conversations with Her

man conving married woman to sleep with him

Convincing married women to sleep with you isn’t like regular hookups. You can’t just ask to hook up over text.

If you’re too straightforward regarding your intentions, you’ll quickly get shut off. And the chances are that she would avoid you.

So the right approach is to get close to her step by step.

Instead of telling her, you want to bed her, engage in healthy conversations with her. Learn more about her, ask her what she likes and in general, get close to her.

Wait for her to confide in you about her personal matters. Once she does, that’s when it’s time for you to step up your game.

You can slowly show then that you are sexually into her. And she’d be so invested in you by then that it’d be easier to convince her for sex.


6. Validate Her Thoughts

Women love to hear that they’re right. If she’s ranting to you about something, validate her thoughts.

Tell her that whatever she’s thinking is right. Even if she had a quarrel with her husband and she’s in the wrong, she doesn’t have to be told that.

Once she starts getting the affirmation she needs, she might start thinking of revenge sex.

After all, a survey conducted by the University of Missouri found that at least 25% of people have sex as a form of revenge.

So observe how wild her emotions get and if she wants revenge on her partner. If she does, take the opportunity and let her know you’re there to help her.


7. Develop An Emotional Bond With Her

married woman flirting with man at work

Developing an emotional connection is the single most effective way to court someone for sex. This is even more important for married women who are cautious around men.

Let her know you’re there if she needs help. Listen to what she has to say, provide her endless support.

Talk to her, show that you trust her and she should trust you as well. Once you started developing that emotional bond, you can be more open with her.

After that, you can slowly start making sexual advances. Observe how she reciprocates it.

If you get even the slightest of hints, start convincing her to sleep with you.


8. Remind Her That She Needs to Start Thinking About Herself

Does her husband stay out of the city for 9 out of 12 months? If yes, then consider this a golden opportunity.

Such women are easy to court and are more likely to cheat on their husbands. In fact, many friends with benefits relationships for married women start when the husband is away for work.

All you have to do is get close and start reminding her that she deserves to have a sex life. While her husband isn’t around, the least she can do is satisfy her sexual desires.

If her conscience gets in the way, simply let her know that it isn’t bad for her to have some fun while the husband is away.

And no one has to know about it.


9. Turn Her On and Make Her Feel Wanted

Turning on married women first involves getting to know them a bit. When she is around you, make her feel wanted and give her priority.

There’s one thing women always love and that’s special treatment from the opposite gender.

Courting married women is a bit different than unmarried girls. If you don’t try hard enough, it’d be difficult for you to make her sleep with you.

So any opportunity you get, feed her all the attention you can. Seduce her, whether it’s through your dressing, humor, or personality.

Once you think she’s starting to melt, call her over to your place for “dinner”.


10. Show Her What A Catch You Are

man seducing a married woman

There’s no better trick to seduce a taken woman than by showing her that the grass is much greener on your side.

To appeal to her, you should be your best self whenever you’re together.

So, dress up, and don’t forget to be clean, especially as smelling good strongly impacts women.

And we don’t encourage using cologne because it interferes with your natural scent as Dr. John explained in this article.


11. Make Her Feel Secure With You

Most married women don’t want to lose their family and the safety that the husband is providing. So before having an affair with you, she has to trust your discretion.

With this in mind, you need to be a person she feels safe opening up to. And above all, she has to be certain that you can keep her secrets well.

Only when you prove that you’re reliable she can finally give in and get it on with you.


12. Show Her A Fun Time

In many families, wives and mothers usually take care of the house. As a result, they mostly deal with boring stuff, like cooking and cleaning.

On top of that, their husbands also don’t take them out on nice dates like they used to.

When you show her a fun time, the odds are high that you can convince a married woman to sleep with you.

Not to mention, when you let her enjoy herself, you’ll make her feel like a woman again. She’ll love the thrill you bring and will want more.


13. Make Her Feel Appreciated

As time passes by, husbands eventually lose much interest in their wives. This is why they’re mainly taken for granted and ignored.

They probably don’t even get a thank you or any word of gratitude at home. As a result, many wives are hungry for attention and care.

In light of this, making her feel appreciated is an effective technique to attract a married woman.


14. Support Her Achievements

Everybody wants someone in their corner who can cheer and congratulate them on their victories.

Husbands do this for their wives initially but gradually forget about it in the long run.

So it’s common for wives to feel neglected and overlooked no matter what they do.

Now, you’ll be able to draw her in by talking about her worries and back her up, whether big or small.


How To Keep A Married Woman Interested In You

Once you sleep with a married woman, you might want a long affair with her.

So if you want her to stick around, you must always be good to her. Because she’s only with you since you can provide something that her husband can’t.

Listen carefully to what she complains about her husband and try to fill the void.

For example, if her husband isn’t romantic enough, make sure to prepare for her a romantic evening and sometimes present flowers.

It’s all about providing her with what she hasn’t in life. As long as you do that, she’ll stick around.

We’ve several more tips on how to keep a married woman interested in you, so you won’t lose her.


The Dangers Of Sleeping With A Married Woman

married woman caught sleeping with man

As exciting as bedding married women sounds, it comes with a fair share of risks. One such risk is her husband walking in while you’re banging her brains out.

It’s hard to imagine the things that can happen in such a situation. But if you plan it right and take the necessary cautions, this is highly unlikely.

Just try not to develop any feelings for that woman. This would only make things difficult for both of you.

The chances are she only wants to spice up her sex life. And the involvement of feelings will over-complicated things for no reason. Also if she has kids, it’s highly unlikely she’d leave them for your sake.

So if you’re trying to court a married woman, we hope you’ll find more success after reading our tested methods.




  • Dr. Peter Brown is a dating and sex expert that writes for several various publications. Having got his doctorate from Yala Univeristy and operating his own clinic, he has a vast knowledge about casual relationships involving married people. He likes to play golf and spend time with his children during weekends.

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